Volunteer Positions
Technology Positions
The league is 100% volunteer run. We strive to provide a quality competitive fastpitch softball experience in our region of Ontario for approximately 450 girls on 30 teams, from 12 associations. The number of volunteers assisting the league directly impacts the quality of the service we can provide to the players, their families and our member associations. If you have the passion and skills to improve the sport of fastpitch softball in our area please contact us about volunteering. The positions below are our core volunteer positions, but we are always open to new ideas if you can contribute in other ways. Please Contact Us to discuss any of these roles if you have questions.

1) Software Administrator shall;
a) Protect Confidentiality of Personal Information
(i) be the highest-level user access of league software(s), having full access to all team’s full information, including rosters and other personal information
(ii) protect the integrity of the personal information above all else and shall not share, provide access to, or benefit from, the data for association, team or personal purposes per Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
(iii) be responsible for ensuring the Executive, Board Members, Committee Members and Volunteers, who may be given limited access to perform their duties, are aware of PIPEDA, and are held to the same high standard of care and confidentiality of the personal information they may have access to
(iv) not assign any user access to league software without obtaining a signed Confidentiality Agreement that includes clearly stated consequences for violations
b) be responsible for onboarding teams, assisting teams manage their accounts, managing divisions, archiving seasons, managing league-wide settings and liaising with the software provider
c) (optional) be responsible for settings and implementation of the software features regarding payments, registration and rostering should the league use these features
d) by acceptance of the position, agree to comply with all provisions in the Protect Confidentiality of Personal Information in section VIII-1-a, acknowledging that violation will be subject to disciplinary action

2) Webmaster / Social Media / Email Marketing shall;
a) be considered a single position or three separate positions, which may be filled by one to three persons
b) be responsible for maintaining the league’s website including updating all written and image content
c) coordinate with the Scheduler and League Software Administrator to integrate and publish schedules, scores and standings to the league website
d) create, post and curate content to all social media accounts
e) be responsible to managing the league’s email communications via MailChimp
f) by acceptance of the position, agree to comply with all provisions in the Protect Confidentiality of Personal Information in section VIII-1-a, acknowledging that violation will be subject to disciplinary action

2) Social Media shall;
a) be considered a sub-position of the webmaster
b) be responsible for maintaining the league’s social media including updating all written and image content
c) create, post and curate content to all social media accounts

2) Email Marketing shall;
a) be considered a sub-position of the webmaster
b) be responsible for maintaining the league’s Mailchimp account including updating all written and image content
d) create and email content to the league's email marketing list
e) be responsible to managing the league’s email communications via MailChimp
f) by acceptance of the position, agree to comply with all provisions in the Protect Confidentiality of Personal Information in section VIII-1-a of the Constitution