Membership Information

How to Enter Teams into League Play

Associaton Membership

Membership in the Central East Women's Fastpitch League is an Association Membership. Teams may only play in the league under their association's membership, and cannot enter individually without an association. Applying for membership is easy as completing and submitting a short Membership Application.

Ready to play?

Apply Now!

However, it is recommended that the association, and it's teams, familiarize themselves with their obligations under the membership. Failure to meet those obligations may affect all teams within the association, up to and including being denied entry to league play. Knowledge of the obligations and rules is the best way to avoid unintended confusion or conflicts with other members and the league. The league does enforce its rules.

BEFORE applying, please understand the minimum requirements that you are committing to follow when you submit a membership application.

  • Member Obligations to League (must read excerpts)
  • Association's must nominate someone from their association to serve on the league’s Board as a Director, who must commit to fulfilling the Director obligations in order to maintain membership status.
  • Membership and Board Directors are subject to approval by the league via a board vote.

AFTER accepted, please familiarize yourself with the full operations and rules of the league:

Application Deadline

  • You have until March 1st to submit your application for us to run a schedule in a timely manner. Must include details of diamond permits requested, even if not yet confirmed.
  • In rare circumstances we may accept applications as late as April 1st at our sole discretion.
  • If your team is having any issues that might cause you to withdraw from play, notify us before these dates to avoid association sanctions that may affect other teams in your association.

Permit Info


Failure to meet these requirements could result in your team being excluded from the schedule and game play.

  • Season schedule is drafted between March 1 - April 1 once the membership application deadline(s) have passed.
    • Only teams providing all required information can be scheduled
  • Scheduling conflicts are corrected April 7-14 by emailing the Scheduler any date or time conflicts that need to be updated in the draft schedule.
  • Scheduling schedule is finalized April 15-20 and will be published directly to each team's TeamSnap account.
  • Season league games commence after May 5, dates pending confirmed permits.
    • Each team is required to maintain a TeamSnap account connected to the league in order to participate in the league schedule.
    • If you don’t have one, the league will provide one.
  • Playoff championships games commence late-August.
    • Schedule published only after the last regular season game is played for each division
    • Usually the third or fourth week of August, and always after provincial championships for each division
  • Other important dates can be found in Section 17 of the Operating Procedures.

Rules Teams Need to Know

  • We play PWSA/Softball Ontario rules with some minor modifications. You can find the Rules of Play
  • The league has a set of Operating Procedures that coaches, teams and associations are expected to abide by. It covers everything you might want to know as a team.

Only teams providing permit information can be scheduled. The scheduling software will is not able to produce a schedule without it. We understand municipalities may not confirm permits until mid-April. If permits are unconfirmed at the time of registration, please follow this guidance:

  • Submit permits details applied for, even if not yet confirmed.
  • Municipalities regularly renew the exact same permits you held the year prior. Provide the days, times and locations that you held permits for each team in the prior year.
  • Changes can be updated at a later date if the confirmed permits are different.
  • New teams who did not have permits in the prior year, should reach out to their association to confirm possible permits, and register with those details.

League Executive News

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Contact Info

Central East Women's Fastpitch League
c/o Shannon Post, President