Rules & Documents

Operating Procedures (Member Rules)

This page reflects the current version of the rules that apply to the league in the current season. A record of changes, additions and deletions from the previous year can be found in the Downloadable PDF version using the button below.

Operating Procedures of

Central East Women’s Fastpitch League



See Bylaws: Article 11 - Amendments to Bylaws and Operating Procedures on how changes to the Operating Procedures can be made


1.    Operating

a.    The operating and fiscal year of the League shall both be from October 1 to September 30 annually.

b.    Where the league does not have a specific policy, it will rely on the policies of the PWSA in guiding its operation and decision making procedures

c.    The league will maintain a year-end balance sufficient to cover off-season expenses until March 1st of the following year, which will be indicated in the Treasurers annual budget.


2.    Membership

a.    Member Associations must annually confirm to the Secretary of the Board of Directors in writing though a Membership Application;

                                  i.    All association teams and players playing in the league for that season are affiliated/associated and insured through the PWSA

                                ii.    A list of teams entering into the league, non-player contacts and the division of play

                               iii.    Each team’s TeamSnap ID to be used for purposes outlined in Section 3: Team Participation

                               iv.    Expected permit information for playing nights, times and locations

b.    Deadline date for association team entries and entry fee payment will be March 1st of each year. Late applications may be considered until April 1st by a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.

c.    League fees will be determined annually at the AGM to cover the operational budget of the CEWFL.


3.    Team Participation

a.    Recognizing the importance of 100% participation to properly operate the league, all member Associations voted unanimously for their teams to use TeamSnap to participate in the league operations; including:

                                  i.    Scheduling, scoring and standings

                                ii.    League-wide communications, by written, email and phone

                               iii.    Verifying eligible players on rosters for disputes or insurance purposes

                               iv.    Disciplinary and other league processes

b.    Failure to maintain league accounts at these minimum levels throughout the season will be a violation that could result in disciplinary action, up to an including denial of entry into league play, or in removal from league play at a later date.

c.    The following are every teams’ minimum requirements for participating in league play:

                                  i.    Must take ownership of, and maintain, a league assigned account, which includes

                                ii.    Must mark private in the software any personal information such as PWSA, Respect in Sport, Birth Certificate and Health Card numbers, as well as any medical or other personal information


A current and complete Roster (player and non-playing members) that includes:

Player Name (complete section)

Contact Information (complete section), including


Email and phone

One parent/guardian (except U19)


Optional Player Details (select fields only)




Maintaining and reporting games scores for the league schedule


All items listed under the Team Settings


4.    Competing With Another Team

a.    Teams must comply with all requirements in the “Rules of Play, Competing With Another Team”

b.    Executive approval must be obtained for two member associations to combine players to play in league or playoff play (i.e.) in order to field a team due to lack of numbers.

c.    Teams confirmed by the Disciplinary Committee to have played with one or more unapproved players will forfeit all games the player was used in.

d.    If unapproved players are used in a playoff game, additional sanctions could include removal of medal status and suspensions of coaches and players for the following season.


5.    Recruitment

a.    All member associations must follow the rules regarding player recruitment, as set by the PWSA

b.    Any association representative, coach, manager, player or parent suspended by the PWSA will also be suspended from any CEWFL game, tournament or championship during their suspension

c.    Any coach or association not in the CEWFL at the time of their PWSA suspension for player recruitment, that is found to be recruiting a player of the CEWFL member associations, shall not be granted membership in the CEWFL for an additional one year following the expiration of their PWSA suspension

d.    Any further actions may be ruled upon after a review by the Disciplinary Committee of the CEWFL


6.    Divisions

a.    shall be comprised of a minimum three (3) teams from a minimum two (2) different member associations

b.    exceeding a maximum of eight (8) teams will be divided into equal sub-divisions by geography


7.    Competing with Another Division

a.    The league permits teams to “play up” ONE division based on merit and performance, recognizing that

                                  i.    individual players are permitted to “play up” by the league and the PWSA

                                ii.    a team is a collection of individual players

                               iii.    prohibiting teams from playing up based on age alone is discrimination

b.    Under the following conditions, a team may request, and will be permitted, to “play up” ONE division level if the team can demonstrate merit and performance defined as

                                  i.    If the team finished in first place in the league standings the previous season, or

                                ii.    If the team has affiliated with the PWSA as a Tier 1 team

c.    Teams playing up a division will be classified as a Tier 2 team of that division for league games and borrowing players, regardless of their PWSA tier status


8.    Scheduling

a.    Scheduled league games, championships, weekend tournament or weekend series dates to be set each year by April 1st, avoiding conflicts with the Provincial Qualifier and Grand Championships for each division

b.    Scheduled League games to commence after May 1st, but not later than, the week following the Victoria Day Weekend. A complete season will be a minimum of 10 games

c.    Season will end a minimum of 7 days prior to playoff dates for each division


9.    Games

a.    Games are either played resulting in a win, loss or tie outcome, OR they are not played resulting in a one or two team forfeit outcome. Games may be rescheduled at any date mutually agreeable to both teams during the season. The league expects all teams to complete the schedule to the best of their ability.

b.    Only the League Scheduler may enter a rescheduled game in the league’s software. Teams cannot enter rescheduled games for the league! Failure to notify the League Scheduler of any rescheduled game dates may result in the game being recorded as a two team forfeit. See Forfeit Rules.

c.    Teams are also responsible for notifying their association of any change they make to their schedule so their association can notify their local umpires of the game change.


10. Reporting Scores

a.    Both team’s Scorekeepers should confirm the game score with each other before reporting to avoid discrepancies. If a score cannot be agreed upon, each team should still submit their recorded score separately and notify their Division Convener for assistance in resolving the discrepancy.

b.    Electronic Reporting (preferred): Both teams are responsible for reporting the score for each game they play, win or lose, via the league app/software. If reporting electronically, teams do not have to additionally report the score to their Divisional Convener.

c.    Manual Reporting: Any team, whether home or visitor, who does not report electronically is required to notify their Divisional Convener of the game score by phone, text or email within 24 hours of the end of the game.

d.    Failure to report could result in forfeit as is if the game hadn’t been played and the offending team(s) not being awarded the standing points earned.


11. Protests

a.    Protests from league games to be ruled on by the Master Convener within 48 hours of the incident cited in the protest

                                  i.    If the Master Convenor has a conflict of interest, the Vice President shall rule on the protest.

                                ii.    Appeals are to be submitted to the President per the Appeals Policy


12. Cancelling Games

a.    The league does not have an option to cancel games– only to Reschedule or Forfeit. See Rescheduling Games.


13. Rescheduling Games

a.    Acceptable Reasons to Reschedule

                                  i.    Rain Outs, which may only be declared only by the:

1.    Home association no earlier than four hours prior to game time, and only if the rain causes the field to be unsafe for play.

a.    Visual puddles of water on the surface of the infield

b.    Water sponging up around your feet when you walk on the field

2.    Umpire’s sole discretion at game time if the field is unsafe for play. Umpires will follow standard delay and safety procedures during lightning.

3.    Games cannot be declared a rain out based on the weather forecast.

4.    Coaches may not cancel/reschedule games due to weather.

                                ii.    Other Reasons

1.    If games are scheduled 7 days or less prior to school exams or graduation ceremonies.

2.    Any other reason requires the Division Convener’s approval.

3.    At least 48 hours’ notice must be given to the opposing team to allow cancellation of umpires. Teams failing to do so will compensate the home team in full for umpires.

b.    Notices and Obligations

                                  i.    The Divisional Convener should be copied on all correspondence.

                                ii.    Teams have 14 days from the original game date to reschedule. The “make-up” game must be played by the “last date to play scheduled games” (see Important Dates).

                               iii.    The home association is responsible for:

1.    Notifying their Divisional Convener

2.    Coordinating two alternate weekday dates to play the game

3.    Dates must not conflict with either teams existing league games or other reasons per Section 13 ii.

                               iv.    The visiting team is responsible for:

1.    Accepting one of the two dates

2.    Accepting the remaining date if only one date is conflicted

                                v.    Un-played games will be considered a forfeit (see rules on Forfeits).


14. Forfeiting Games

a.    Any team unable to play their scheduled game is responsible for making a good faith effort to reschedule that game per Rescheduling Games section. Any games reported as a forfeit will be reviewed and ruled upon by the Division Convenor. Both teams are expected to act in good faith to play the game - this will be a factor in the Division Convenor’s decision.

b.    Games where both teams fail to meet their obligations to complete the original or makeup game in good faith will result in a two-team forfeit. Each team is awarded zero points.

c.    Games where one team fails to meet their obligations to complete the original or rescheduled game, while the other team does not, are recorded as a 7-0 Win for the team agreeing to play. The winning and losing teams are awarded 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss respectively.

d.    Teams may appeal a game forfeit via the Appealing Forfeits process.


15. Administrative Forfeits

a.    The league Scheduler automatically records all unreported game scores as forfeits 7 days after the date of the game.

b.    The league Scheduler automatically records all unplayed, unscheduled or unreported games as forfeits at the season’s end (see Important Dates).

c.    Teams may appeal an administrative forfeit via the Appealing Forfeits process.


16. Appealing Forfeits

a.    Teams may appeal to the Master Convenor including the rationale for the appeal, and including any supporting documentation (emails, text, etc.).

b.    The Master Convenor’s ruling may be appealed to the President per the Appeals Policy, but only on procedural grounds where the Master Convener’s decision was contrary to the Operating Procedures or Rules of Play.

c.    Possible outcomes are:

                                  i.    Appeal Fails - Two team forfeit stands: Games where both teams fail to complete the original or makeup game in good faith will result in a two-team forfeit. Each team is awarded zero points.

                                ii.    Appeal Succeeds – One team forfeit awarded: Games where one team agrees to complete the original or rescheduled game, while the other team does not, are recorded as a 7-0 Win for the team agreeing to play. The winning and losing teams are awarded three points for a win and one point for a loss respectively.


17. Important Scheduling and Reporting Dates

Date of


Membership Application Date

March 1

Draft schedule available

April 1

Scheduling meeting for coaches

April 7-14

Season begins

May 5-25

Notice of pending forfeits

July 15

Last date to schedule outstanding games

July 31

Unscheduled games go into forfeit status

August 1

Last date to withdraw from playoffs without fines

August 4

Last date to appeal forfeit status

August 5

Last date for Master Convener appeals decision

August 8

Last date to play scheduled games and report scores

August 11

Playoff Weekend(s) – To Be Confirmed Annually*

*August 18 or 25


18. Standings

a.    Association standings will be based on a points system that rewards competition and recognizes participation. Teams with higher point totals will rank ahead of teams with lower point totals. Game outcomes are awarded points as follows:

                                  i.    Win = 3 points

                                ii.    Tie = 2 points

                               iii.    Loss = 1 point


19. Tie Breaker System

a.    In the event of a tie in the standings a series of rules will be applied to break the tie. If a rule cannot resolve the tie, the software system moves on to the next rule in sequence. The first rule to break the tie will determine the standings and no further rules will apply.

b.    Head to Head Rules

                                  i.    Head to Head: A comparison of two or more tied teams based on who has won or lost when playing against each other. Games against all non-tied teams are ignored. The team that has beaten the other teams involved in the tie the most is the winner.

                                ii.    Head to Head Two Teams Only: Follows Head to Head tie breaker rules, but only for a two-way tie.

                               iii.    Head to Group: Follows Head to Head tie breaker rules, but only if all teams have played each other at least once.

c.    Point Differential Rules

                                  i.    Point Differential (Group): The total number of runs scored by a team in all games, minus the total number of runs scored by the team's opponent in all games. To encourage balance play, and discourage "running up" scores, a maximum run differential of 15 points in any single game will apply for tie breaking purposes.

                                ii.    Point Differential Tied Teams Only: The total number of runs scored by a team minus the total number of runs scored by the team's opponent in games between the teams involved in the tie only. The maximum run differential of 15 points applies.

                               iii.    Total Points Scored: The sum of all runs scored by the team in all games played. The higher the number the better.

                               iv.    Total Points Allowed: The sum of all runs scored by the opponent team in all games played. The lower the number the better.

d.    Win-Loss Rules

                                  i.    Most Games Won: The sum of all games won by the team in all games played. The higher the number the better.

                                ii.    Most Games Lost: The sum of all games lost by the team in all games played. The lower the number the better.


20. Violations of the Rules of Play

a.    Any violation of the Rules of Play requiring discipline by a member of a Member Association, including a team, coach, player, parent or other person must have a complaint filed to the President who will convene the Disciplinary Committee per VI of the Bylaws.

b.    PWSA suspension rules will apply to all league play (PWSA Operating Rule Article Eight: Suspension and Appeals)


21. Operating Offences

a.    Member associations of any team that fails to meet obligations as set out in these Operating Procedures, including providing required information, attending the League scheduling meeting, fulfilling in-season or playoff game commitments or attending meetings required under league governance will be subject to the following fines:

                                          i.    First Offence                         $50.00

                                        ii.    Second Offence                   $100.00

                                       iii.    Third Offence                       $150.00


b.    Any fines, penalties or expenses incurred by the league for an offence may require reimbursement by the offending team or association

c.    Each fine must be paid before the team can participate in any further league games or other activity. Un-played games will be forfeit per the Forfeit Process.

d.    The team and/or member association will be required to go before the Disciplinary Committee

                                  i.    After the third operating offence of any kind

                                ii.    After the third forfeit, the team may be removed from the season

                               iii.    If not in good standing by the end of the season, the team may be denied entry to the league the following season

e.    It is the obligation of the offended team to report the breach to the Divisional Convenor within 48 hours for it to be acted upon.


22. Ad Hoc Committees (optional)

a.    Awards Committee

                                  i.    Purpose is to recognize players, teams and associations or others for achieving the highest standards of the league through performance, leadership or service. The committee will advise the league on, and participate in:

1.    recognizing on-field performance for league, tournament and championship play

2.    recognizing the service of individuals who have made significant contributions to the league

3.    organizing and operating any awards process, ceremony or event

b.    Development Committee

                                  i.    Purpose is to grow and strengthen the league by assisting associations and players develop skills to succeed. The committee will advise the league on, and participate in:

1.    educating and supporting members associations to meet best practices in operations

2.    building good working relationships with house, select and competitive leagues such that the league can attract new member associations

3.    supporting player and coach development through supporting member association events, or organizing league-wide events, such as camps, clinics or other activities

c.    Governance Committee

                                  i.    Purpose is to ensure the governance of the league is understood and implemented in a manner consistent with the league’s purposes per Section 1 of the Bylaws. The committee will advise the league on, and participate in:

1.    orienting, advising and monitoring the league and its Board of Directors on best practices per the league governance documents

2.    educating and supporting member associations with meeting good governance standards

3.    collaborating with the PWSA through its governance documents, policies or in-person discussions to align the leagues operations and decision making

d.    Youth Advisory Committee

                                  i.    Purpose is to empower players to develop leadership skills through volunteer activities, social events and networking opportunities. The committee will advise the league on, and participate in:

1.    increasing awareness for competitive fast pitch softball in Central East Region

2.    creating a nurturing and supportive environment for players to develop and grow

3.    collectively make a meaningful and consistent contribution to our community

4.    fostering relationships across associations in the region


23. Technology

a.    The CEWFL will operate a safe and secure website. 

                                  i.    The CEWFL is the owner of all content on its website, social media accounts and digital presence. 

                                ii.    The CEWFL will maintain a trustworthy relationship with the Webmaster to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the personal information contained on the CEWFL website and social media accounts.

b.    The CEWFL is committed to ensuring the security of personal information in order to protect it from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or similar risks.

                                  i.    We will ensure our security controls and technology are updated and current to ensure ongoing personal information security.


24. Signatures

a.    The Founding Members of the Central East Women’s Fastpitch League (CEWFL), establish the League Operating Procedures by signing authority of their associations’ designated Board of Director or President.


                                  i.    The Aurora Diggers                                                                  

                                ii.    The Clarington Ravens                                                            

                               iii.    The Cobourg Angels                                                                

                               iv.    The Kawartha Lakers                                                               

                                v.    The Napanee Express                                                             

                               vi.    The Oshawa Lady Bs                                                               

                              vii.    The Oshawa Shamrocks                                                         

                             viii.    The Peterborough Thunder                                                    

                               ix.    The Port Perry Angels                                                             

                                x.    The Whitby Eagles                                                                   

Contact Info

Central East Women's Fastpitch League
c/o Shannon Post, President