League Championships
Season and Playoff Champions
Regular season champions are based on standings, which serve to seed teams in the playoffs.
Final overall champions are determined by placement in the year end playoff tournament for each division.
Playoff Championship Tournament
The year end tournament is held annually following the completion of the Provincial Grand Championships. The league playoff tournament is usually the third or fourth weekend in August. The league tries to confirm the exact date before the Coaches Schedule Review Meeting in early April each year.
Game Play
The playoff championship tournament format is a multi-level bracket where each team plays three (3) rounds on a single day to determine their final placement. All teams in a division start and end their games at the same time.
Awards Ceremony
Following the last round in each division, a ceremony is held to present the season, playoff and individual awards for the division. All teams are encouraged to stay and celebrate the end of the season with others from around the league.