Frequently Asked Questions

What to do after tryouts

With tryouts complete and players/adults moving from one team to another, everyone is doing some housekeeping on their teams. Below are five things teams in the league should do immediately after tryouts.

Keep Your TeamSnap Account

You do not need to create a new TeamSnap account each year. Your account is paid for, and managed by, the league through your league fees. All accounts will continue to operate regardless of who is running the team now. You may need to change the account owner, coaches or managers however, which you can do through the league Scheduler. See more on TeamSnap accounts below.

Update Team Information

Contact the League Scheduler & Administrator if either of theses scenarios apply within your association:

  • Your association has a brand new team that will play league this year and they do not have a TeamSnap Account yet. Please get your new account through us rather than direct with TeamSnap.
  • Your association has a team that played league last year, still exists, but will not play league in the coming year. We will transfer that account to an independent account.
  • Your association has a team that played league last year, but no longer exists. We will remove/delete that account.
  • When the status of a team account is unknown, we will approach the team's association to determine the steps to be taken. In some cases, will disconnect the account but archive the data in case it needs to be restored later.

Update Personal Information

  • If you are no longer with the association or team your were with last year then please update information with the Update Contact Form. This will ensure the right people get the right messages from the league and other coaches/managers. You may also add new Coaches and Managers using the same form.
  • If no longer coaching and you wish to not get emails then make a note of it in the message box.

TeamSnap Housekeeping for Teams

Tips for managing your TeamSnap accounts this time of year. Every TeamSnap team account has a Team Owner, Managers and Members.

See what each member type can do for your team.

  • The league assigns Team Owners, and only the league can change them. Please let us know if you need this person changed.
  • TeamSnap accounts should move with the coaches on the team account from last year.
  • Team Managers can add/delete players, parents, coaches and schedule information. Quick Start Guide for Team Owners
  • Please clean your teams old schedule of game and practices by Archiving a Team Season. However, the league schedule will remain on your account until the league Archives the League Season.

League Registration and Fees

The league's operating year ends September 30 each year. The league then hosts an Annual General meeting before the end of November to elect a new Board of Directors and officially start the next season.

Following the November meeting the league will set fees and start accepting membership applications from associations for the new season. Associations submit membership applications and fees on behalf of individual teams. Individual teams should work through their associations to join and participate in the league.

Contact Info

Central East Women's Fastpitch League
c/o Shannon Post, President